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“The Church of God welcomes you with great joy…”
(From the Baptismal Ritual)

Baptism is the first sacrament, the gateway to eternal life, the first encounter with Christ. In Baptism the child is reborn to a supernatural life through the remission of original sin and becomes a child of God. At baptism, parents/guardians assume a sacred and solemn duty to raise their child in their Catholic faith by instruction and the example of their own life of faith. In this, they are assisted by the example and witness of the child’s godparent/godparents.

Baptism in our Parish takes place on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month, at 4.30pm, (unless these dates clash with Holy Week, Christmas, etc.)

Baptism is booked by presenting a completed booking form at the Parish Office. Forms may be downloaded, printed, completed and presented at the Office. Forms also available at the Parish Office for completion in person if required.


Adults who wish to become members of the Catholic Church do so by contacting their priest and arranging a course of instruction leading to the Rite of Christian Initiations of Adults.

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