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“They are no longer two, therefore, but one flesh.

So then, what God has united, human beings must not divide.”
(Matthew 19:6)

Marriage is that unique relationship intended by the Creator for the loving union of man and woman and the generation of human life, as the expression of that love. Marriage is the foundation of the happiness of society and of the individual. Christian Marriage elevates the natural union of man and woman to a sacrament, meaning that every authentic expression of their married love makes Christ present in Family life and in the world.

In order to get married, there are two distinct aspects: Church and State, Civil and Ecclesiastical. It is the responsibility of the couple to inform the State of their intention to marry by contacting the Office of the Registrar of Marriages.

To secure the preferred date of your wedding, the first step is to complete the Request Form and to submit it to the Parish Office. Your marriage is considered to be booked only when you have received from the Parish the Letter of Confirmation of the Wedding Booking.

The spiritual preparation for Marriage consists of a series of meetings with your own priest. Bride and Groom are prepared for Marriage in the Parish in which each of them lives. Each will complete with their own priest a two-part questionnaire know as the Pre-nuptial Enquiry which establishes their freedom to marry and their understanding and acceptance of Christian teaching on the nature of Marriage and to ensure that there is no impediment or obstacle to the Marriage being celebrated in the Church. The Parish Secretary will set up a meeting between you and the Parish Priest. You will also be required to attend a marriage preparation course with ACCORD, the only agency recognized by the Diocese of Meath for Marriage preparation.

The Parish Priest is available to you in the months preceding the wedding to discuss and plan details of the ceremony, the music and the decoration of the church.

What couples need to do before their wedding day

  • Church law requires a minimum of six months notice of your intention to marry.

  • The date and time of the wedding is arranged with the Parish Office.

  • Weddings are not celebrated on Sundays and holy days.

  • A Pre-Nuptial Inquiry form must be completed in the parish of your residence. To complete the form you will need:

  1. Baptismal certificate (issued within the past six months)

  2. Confirmation certificate

  3. Letter of freedom,

  4. Pre marriage ACCORD course certificate

  5. Permissions and dispensations where applicable need to be applied for. If either party has been previously married, it is essential that freedom to marry be established before any marriage arrangements can be confirmed.

  6. When completed your priest will send the papers to. The Parish Office, Holy Trinity Parish, Ratoath, Co Meath.

Getting Married in a Catholic Church Abroad

All couples wishing to celebrate their marriage abroad must firstly fill in a form available from the parish office. This form requests the name of the Diocese in which the ceremony is taking place, the name of the church in which the marriage is being celebrated, the name and address of the officiating priest, a letter from the officiating priest stating his willingness to celebrate the sacrament, and the date of the ceremony.

All Church papers for weddings abroad (pre-nuptial enquiry forms) should be completed at least six months prior to the date for the marriage.

All papers for marriages abroad when completed in your parish are then sent to the diocesan office for onward transmission to the Diocese where the marriage is to take place. Papers sent to the diocesan office must be accompanied by €100 to cover expenses.

In Irish law the obligation to oversee the civil registration of marriage rests with the couple. The civil registration of marriages differs from country to country.

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