Easter Ceremonies
Holy Thursday
7:00pm - Mass of the Lord's Supper
On Holy Thursday we recall the Last Supper the night before Jesus died. The Last Supper was the first Mass celebrated by Jesus when he gathered with his disciples and told them “do this in memory of me”.
After the Holy Thursday ceremony, you are welcome to pray at the Altar of Repose.
Adoration will end with night prayer at 8.40pm
Good Friday
3:00pm - Stations of the Cross
We will journey the Way of the Cross and pray and reflect at each station.
7:00pm - Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
This is the main celebration for Good Friday. We hear again the story of Christ’s suffering and
death. We venerate the Cross and at the conclusion of this solemn but simple service, we
receive Holy Communion
Holy Saturday
7:00pm - Easter Vigil
On this Holy Night, we pass from the darkness of death on Good Friday to the empty tomb
and the joy of Christ’s resurrection. The light of Christ and the blessing of new water remind
us of our hope in the risen Christ. The Lord is risen, Alleluia
Easter Sunday
Masses will be celebrated at the usual Sunday times on Easter Sunday. The 11:00am Mass will be live-streamed.